Wednesday, 15 September 2010 08:26
Last Updated on Wednesday, 23 May 2018 09:23
Written by Admin

Crushed glass has a wide variety of applications namely, water filtration sand, sand blasting grit, back2glass, golf course bunkers, brick and block manufacturing, aggregate for bituman products, arts and crafts, manufactured products eg grave stones, park benches, bar and kitchen and bathroom counter tops.
Cullet (broken glass greater than 25mm)
- Used by the large glass manufacturing companies.
- Used in the civil engineering industry for concrete flooring.
Course sand (5mm to 1.5mm)
- Used in the civil engineering industry for the manufacture of cement bricks, blocks and pavers, substituted for river sand and quarry stone.
- Used in high value retail manufactured products eg grave stones, vanities and counter tops.
- Used in economically manufactured retail products eg park benches
- Used as aggregate substitution for bitumen products
- Used very effectively in the tourism industry with the free availability of the raw material especially game lodges.
- Used in the pet and horticultural industry for various products.
- Used in the civil engineering industry as a heavy duty industrial floor coating.
- Used very effectively for water filtration sand eg pool filters.
Medium sand (1.5mm to 0.4mm)
- Widely used in the steel manufacturing industry for sandblasting
- Used effectively in Tourism industry for Golf course bunkers
- Used effectively for Arts and Crafts
Fine sand (0.4 to 0.2mm)
- Widely used in the building industry for architectural finishes as a bulking and binding agent for paint.