The re-cycling equipment pictures above and the specifications below are some of the machines we have designed and manufactured. We are happy to custom build equipment for your specific requirements. All pictures of machines and videos can be viewed in the gallery page.
Glass Bottle Breaker Model GB250 ( Small)
Function: Breaks approximately 800kg of glass bottles per hour, reducing the bottles to a cullet size above 25mm. The volume of bottles is reduced by 80% i.e. 8 bags of bottles reduced to 1 Bag of cullet. Ready for recycling back to recycling companies. Discharges into 1 tone flow bin bag. Installation: Open area under cover.
Specification: Weight - 220 kg, Power - Single phase, 1.5 kW motor, Dimensions - 120cm x 120cm x 190cm High.
Glass Bottle Breaker Model GB350 (Large)
Function: Breaks approximately 1300kg of glass bottles per hour, reducing the bottles to a cullet size above 25mm. The volume of bottles is reduced by 80% i.e. 8 bags of bottles reduced to 1 Bag of cullet. Ready for recycling back to recycling companies. Discharges into 1 tone flow bin bag. Installation: Open area for operation.
Specification: Weight - 250 kg, Power - Single phase, 1.5 kW motor, Dimensions - 120cm x 120cm x 190cm High
Glass Cruncher Model CR002
Function: Crushes approximately 300 to 350kg of glass bottles per hour, reducing the bottles to non-hazardous glass sand, The volume of bottles is reduced by 80% i.e. 8 bags of bottles reduced to 1 bag of glass sand. Also crushes ceramics, pottery and plate glass (not laminated glass). Quiet and clean safe operation. Crushed glass is less than 5 mm diameter, average grain size approximately 2mm. Installation: Open area under cover.
Specification: Weight - 220kg, Power - Single phase, 1.5 kW motor, Dimensions - 160cm x 87cm x 70cm
Glass Cruncher Model CR001 (Variants for Plate Glass on request)
Function: Crushes approximately 700 glass bottles per hour, reducing the bottles to non-hazardous glass sand. The volume of bottles is reduced by 80% i.e. 8 bags of bottles reduced to 1 bag of glass sand. Also crushes ceramics, pottery and plate glass (not laminated glass). Quiet, and clean safe operation. Crushed glass is less than 4mm diameter. Average grain size approximately 2 mm and crushes into a 210 liter drum.
Specification: Weight -125kg. Power - Single phase, 0.75 kW motor, Dimensions 85cm X 80cm X 80cm, Mounting - Mounted on 77cm disc to fit on 210 liter drum or standard waste bin. Installation: Open area under cover.
Glass Cruncher Model Mini
Function: Crushes approximately 300 glass bottles per hour, reducing the bottle to a non- hazardous glass waste with no sharp edges. The bottles are reduced by 80% i.e. 8 bags of bottles reduced to 1 bag of crushed glass. Average grain size is approximately 5 mm.
Specification: Weight 90 Kg. Power- Single phase 0.75 KW motor. Dimensions 130cm x 50cm x 85cm. Discharges into a 40 litre drum. Installation: Stand alone indoors in a recycling area.
Glass Recycling Plant
Function: The Glass Recycling Plant consists of an in-feed entry hopper; a conveyor feeds a CROO2 Cruncher that reduces 300 Kg per hour of glass into aggregate. The discharge is onto a transfer conveyor that then transfers it into a Rotary sieving device. The Rotary sieving device then sieves the incoming aggregate into 4 different sizes. The sizes rate from sand through to 5 mm depending on what is required. The discharge from the Rotary screens is into 1 tone flow bin bags.
Specification: Weight approximately 550 Kg. Power- 3 by Single phase 0.75 KW motors and a 1.5 KW motor for the Cruncher. Dimensions are 7.5 meter by 1.2 meter wide by 1.6 meter high. Installation: Open area under a roof.